
Our #1 wish is to be able to go on our dream honeymoon to France!  We have been saving every penny we can, but still have a long way to go in order to make it abroad.  Because of this, we graciously ask that family and friends direct any giftings to our Honeyfund.  Here you can shop around for various activities and sights we are hoping to see on our trip.  Or, you can simply give us a Gift Certificate towards the trip and tell us where you would go in France!  :)

For those of you just can't bear the thought of forgoing the giving of an actual gift wrapped in pretty paper with a bow on top, here are a few items we would love:


1) Click on the link above.
2) Enter password: happytimes
3) Peruse listings (you can sort by category via pull-down menu)
4) There are several pages of items, you can select "ALL" on the Gifts Per Page options at the upper right corner of gift listing
5) Follow directions in registry to purchase items
6) Return to the website to mark your item as "purchased".